Purchasing Marketplace Insurance: Seven Important Factors To Consider

You may think that you will never find yourself shopping for health insurance. Employer sponsored plans have been more than sufficient and fulfilled your needs until now. However, what happens if you become injured or ill and are unable to work or you lose your job? Understanding how the health marketplace works can turn a mind-boggling experience into an easily understood one.    If you have always depended on an employer-sponsored plan you may not have thoroughly investigated different options that are available to you. Read More 

Having A Baby Is Easier Than Ever

A benefit of the Affordable Care Act is that maternity coverage is required in all health insurance plans. This started in 2014 and has made having a baby easier than ever. Even though this coverage is one of the 10 required health benefits, you must still do some research to understand what your specific plan offers and what you will have to pay out of pocket. Doctor or Midwife? You will need to see a health care professional that is covered by your insurance program. Read More